Cherries Will Be Available Soon

Be First In Line For The Coming Season

This year’s cherry crop is now sold out. Be sure not to miss out on our delicious cherries next season by signing up for our newsletter. We’ll be glad to keep you up to date.

You can start buying cherries again on 1st, January 2026.

You can also follow our progress on our Facebook  page. Find out about the many ways cherries can delight your taste buds as well as the health benefits associated with cherries. Share in the joy by connecting with our growing community of cherry lovers.

Thinking Cherries? Think Woodstock

To those in the know, cultivating cherries is as much art as science. After 20 years of seeking perfection Woodstock grown into one of Australia’s top boutique cherry producers.

After 42 years of working in horticulture Mike Oakford turned his skill and passion towards cherries, and started the family run business Woodstock Orchards. Woodstock has a unique location providing us with a micro climate perfect for growing cherries coupled with the fertile soils and plentiful water provided by the Huon Valley.

If you’re after big, dark, sweet, juicy cherries then look no further! Woodstock’s advantages are hard to beat…but proof is in the eating so don’t just take our word for it. Check out what our customers think.

We hope you enjoy eating Woodstock Cherries as much as we enjoy growing them!