Cherry season for 2015 is open!!

As of the Tues 29th Dec, Woodstock Cherries will be taking orders for express post interstate as well as opening our road side “Cherry tent”.

We are looking forward to catching up with regular customers as well as meeting new people for the first time.

We hope everyone had a merry Christmas and looking forward to a safe and prosperous New Year.


Mike, Carmel & Andrew

Happy cherry picker Anna T. - one of Woodstock's regular cherry pickers that helps us each year.

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Woodstock Cherries Ceasing Online Sales...for Now...

For the foreseeable future and due to a number of factors, we have made the difficult decision to stop the online sales of Woodstock cherries. While online sales have ceased, rest assured, the cherry tent at the farm will still be going strong. We have not taken this decision lightly and [...]

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