Early & Sudden close to the online orders January 2020

Unfortunately due to the unusual ripening period, one of our fears has been confirmed…that all the cherries would ripen at once and thus require picking all at once.

This is way more fruit than we could handle ourselves so we had to enlist the help of our commercial packing partner and their pickers.

Two bus loads of pickers arrived & proceeded to pick the vast majority of the remaining cherries in record time, which are now in the process of being graded and packed at their facilities and will go into their supply chain.

This means we are left with a minimal amount of cherries on the trees still to pick, not enough to warrant the opening of our website for orders again this year.

We apologize for the abrupt end to the orders, mother nature has again reminded us she will not be told what to do!!

The ongoing support we receive via our website & the associated orders is really appreciated by all the Woodstock team and we very much enjoy being able to share export quality cherries with a wide range of people in most parts of Australia.

We wish all our customers a great 2020 & look forward to this time next year when the cherry season will be in full swing again.




Mike, Carmel & Andrew

A trailer load of cherries Cherries just brought out from the orchard. They don't get any fresher that this!

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Woodstock Cherries Ceasing Online Sales...for Now...

For the foreseeable future and due to a number of factors, we have made the difficult decision to stop the online sales of Woodstock cherries. While online sales have ceased, rest assured, the cherry tent at the farm will still be going strong. We have not taken this decision lightly and [...]

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