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Kordia is back in 2018!!

After a 2 year hiatus Kordia has produced enough cherries again this year for us to offer for sale to our customers via our website. For those that don’t know, Kordia is a variety considered a premium cherry in the international market and is highly sought after the world over due to its unique characteristics. […]

Woodstock Orchards cherry season update

This is an update on when we will open our website for online cherry orders. When we upgraded our website we purposely closed it off to orders until we hit the button to open the site, this stopped people ordering cherries out of season, which has happened in the past. As the site is not […]

Woodstock cherry season 2017/2018

Unfortunately it hasn’t been a great start to the season with some early December rain arriving at the wrong time for our early cherry varieties so unfortunately the cherries we hoped would be ready in time for Christmas won’t be available this year. Our later varieties have remained largely unaffected so at this stage and we […]

Cherry Recipes On Woodstock

Cherry recipes coming soon. This is not actually recipe. Just a notice to let you know we will soon be publishing some amazing cherry recipes here. It’s a new section to coincide with the upgrade of the website. We thought it would give you some ideas about what to do with all those wonderful cherries […]

Cherry postal orders closed for the 2016/2017 season

There are only a handful of pickers in the orchard now as the last of the cherries are getting picked tomorrow. The trees, and the people, are starting to wind down and recover from what has been a busy 3 weeks. The season started late due to summer taking its time to get going. Then […]

Last orders for 2016/17 season!!

I know!!! I can’t believe it either!! It seems like only 5 minutes ago we started taking orders, but with the late start to the season due to cold weather & the damage caused by the rain and the Australia Day public holiday next Thursday…the last orders that will be posted will go out on […]


We are finally able to open the website for online orders!!! 🙂 The cherries are ripe enough to pick over to get the more ripe ones off and into the post. NEW FOR THIS SEASON: We will only be posting on MONDAY, TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY of each week, this ensures that the cherries arrive at […]

2016/2017 Cherry season update

The start of this season has proved to be difficult with the lack of sunshine so far and quite a wet Christmas & New Year period, including 30mm of rain on the 29th of December followed up by 10mm on the 1st of January, as well as a few showers in between to keep the […]

Cherry postal orders unavailable until 2017 :(

Due to the very wet Winter & Spring and the variable weather so far this this summer the cherries aren’t going to be ready to pick until the new year. This year’s weather condition have been very trying, the wet Spring had an effect on the blossom and pollination period and the cherry crop is […]

2015/2016 Cherry season has closed!!

Postal orders for this season have closed as of Wednesday (20th Jan) afternoon. We are just finishing up picking the last few cherries for the road side tent, which will be open until the Sunday 24th Jan. Regards, Mike, Carmel & Andrew.

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Woodstock Cherries Ceasing Online Sales...for Now...

For the foreseeable future and due to a number of factors, we have made the difficult decision to stop the online sales of Woodstock cherries. While online sales have ceased, rest assured, the cherry tent at the farm will still be going strong. We have not taken this decision lightly and [...]

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