Kordia on sale for a limited time only!!

This is a follow up post in regards to Kordia being available to purchase.

We will be opening up Kordia for purchase from later on tonight!!

Kordia will be picked on Friday 12th & Saturday 13th Jan, packed on Sunday 14th Jan and be posted Monday 15th Jan.

Orders will be for a 2kg box only to make sure everyone gets a chance to experience Kordia and orders will be closed off at our discretion either on Saturday or Sunday depending on demand.

We are looking forward to sharing Woodstock Orchards Kordia with our customers, so don’t leave it too late to get your orders in!!

Cherry branches on wire trellis Cherry branches on wire trellis with ripening fruit.

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For the foreseeable future and due to a number of factors, we have made the difficult decision to stop the online sales of Woodstock cherries. While online sales have ceased, rest assured, the cherry tent at the farm will still be going strong. We have not taken this decision lightly and [...]

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